Monday, November 10, 2014

Warning: this post features a discussion of barfing, ad naseum

Will, who hasn't missed a day of school since November 2013, woke up in the middle night and proceeded to throw up at a regular interval until noon, at which time I took him to the doctor and got the magical medicine that helped him last year when this same thing happened but we let it go for about a week.  Wow, long run-on sentence.  What can I say, I've been up since the middle night helping someone hold the puke bucket.  The rest of us feel fine even though I keep checking in with my stomach, "You okay buddy?  Feeling good?  Nothing bad happening, right?"  I think Will must've eaten something yucky on the hunting trip.  When I asked if he remembered anything in particular, he described an energy bar that tasted "gross" and that he tossed it in the woods. I told him that there's probably a raccoon running around those woods with a bad stomachache now too and that briefly made him smile.  Tomorrow is Veteran's Day and Glenn and I have the day off.  The kids are supposed to have a half day of school, but we'll see how Will's doing.  Reina might be the sole Pauley who has to be anywhere by 8:30 a.m., and boy won't she be thrilled by that.  It's better than barfing!

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