Friday, May 29, 2020

Day 76

It's a Friday night so another week is in the books.  My work trip went well, although I was a little discourage by the lack of masks that I saw on my travels.  I did enjoy a night to myself and I love driving around Wyoming this time of year and seeing all of the green grass.  We are all ready for the weekend.  We have our first busy weekend in a while!  Dance practice, baseball practice, some low-key birthday bbq's, painting the vanities in the bathrooms, gardening, jogging, yeehaw!  Oh and Will gets to be a reader for the Zoom church service. He's a little nervous but we'll practice beforehand and he'll be ready. 

This week, Will had to make a siege weapon for his tech ed (shop) class.  He chose a trebuchet and Glenn helped him in construct a mini-version in the garage.  These are the types of projects that Glenn goes all-in on and he, I mean Will, was pretty happy with the results.  Glenn would like to find a reason to make a larger-scale model for the backyard but thankfully we have no need for medieval defenses. 

Glenn and I were talking tonight about it being June in just a few days.  When all of this started in mid-March, I couldn't have fathomed that we'd still be working from home on June 1.  We are still limiting our in-person shopping (not limiting our online shopping and curbside pick-up! $$$) and paying more attention to hygiene and masks when we go out.  The kids are playing with friends outside.  Reina went to a friend's house today but both of his parents are doctors and I figured if they are comfortable with it, so am I.  Traveling this week made me even more conscious of being careful about germs and I hope I've managed to stay healthy.  Wyoming now has 682 confirmed cases and 209 probables, unfortunately with 16 deaths. 

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