As the morning progressed with grumpy kids and technology not always cooperating, I texted Vicky - "Thursday is the new Tuesday." Thankfully it didn't get as bad as that but phew we got close. Will tends to save his harder subjects for later in the week and today not only did he have to read a bunch poems, he had to write one too. He was thrilled (where's that sarcasm font?). His enthusiasm did not increase when I saw that one of the poems he had to read was one of my favorite poems - El Dorado by Edgar Allan Poe. "Gaily bedight a gallant knight, in sunshine and in shadow, had journeyed along, singing a song in search of El Dorado." Back in my high school days, this one of the few poems I memorized, not for an assignment but just because I liked it so much. Anyway, Will found all of that less than interesting and my enthusiasm did not help his creative juices flow. As he was fussing with his poem (about baseball, naturally), I gave him permission to rhyme grass with a@@ but he thought that wouldn't go over well with his teacher - he was describing the state of uniform and it had to rhyme... I think she would've liked it. He had been trying to rhyme anything with 'baseball' so he had his work cut out for him. I'm going to ask him if he'll let me post the final product here.
Poetry drama aside, we ended up having a nice afternoon. Reina continues to have a good week. I picked up some books from the library over my lunch break - hooray for new books! We got to see Aunt Vicky and the not-so-baby cousins for a nice chat and I even stood on the sidewalk and talked to my neighbor for a few minutes while dinner cooked. So there are the silver linings for today - social interaction and feelings of normalcy with cousins running around the backyard.
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