Thursday, November 5, 2015


(Musings:  Fancy word for a collection of random thoughts that I'm going to count as a blog post tonight.  It's also one of Will's vocabulary words this week along with sultry, downy, and clamoring.) 

We had our first snow overnight.  It's one of the latest first snowfalls on record for our corner of the state.  We've enjoyed a beautiful extended fall but we need the moisture and I need a reason to clean up the rest of the yard and garden stuff.  We were all pretty excited to see the white stuff. I took Coco outside for Kitten's First Official Snow Experience and it made her paws cold.  

Tomorrow is the 50th day of school so the kids are encouraged to dress like the 1950's.  Reina requested a poodle skirt a few weeks ago so we trekked off to the fabric store for skirt material, a pre-made poodle, new scissors that are designated for only sewing projects (for as long as that lasts), threat and little tiny cotton balls that Reina had big plans for but Coco has since found and claimed for her own.  Tonight we cut and sewed and glued and the skirt is ready to go.  I asked Will what he wanted to do and he said "jeans."  Works for me buddy! 

Reina told Glenn and I that she should probably start thinking about who she wants to marry.  We told her that she has plenty of time to decide.  After thinking for a few minutes, she told us that she wants to marry a fluffy, white kitten.  Works for me sister! 

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