Saturday, May 18, 2013

Reason #3,942 why I don't understand the male brain

I've written about this before but I didn't have a brother and while I had my share of babysitting little boys and rec camp and guest ranches and such, I still find myself at a loss when it comes to guessing what's going on in the Will Pauley brain at times.  This week, we'd all been outside shooting baskets and enjoying the springtime weather. I went inside to finish chores and Glenn was fixing a piece of our fence, while the kids giggled and shrieked. I looked outside while washing dishes and saw the following tableau. I had to take pictures of it for posterity, naturally. 
Step 1:  You take your sister's Cinderella doll and place her on one end of a leftover piece of fencing.  You carefully measure the fulcrum and contemplate the amount of force you'll need to stomp hard enough to shoot Cinderella into the air.  (Thankfully your sister finds this game as delightful as you do.)

Step 2:  You pause to have your picture taken and to make sure that your mom endorses this game.  (Mom's note:  Okay, let's face it, he's really not that concerned about my 'endorsement.'  He's satisfied with a "don't get hurt and don't put your sister on the other end of that catapult." 

Step 3:  You find an empty, brand-new flower pot that is thankfully made out of plastic and decide to up the ante by sticking Cinderella into said flowerpot, stomping on the catapult and then ducking out of the way as the flower pot comes whizzing towards your head.  Mom does interfere at this point and says "Alright, enough!  Find something else to do before someone has to go to the emergency room."  She's such a buzzkill. 

I think it's going to be a great summer. 

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