I came home from my jog Saturday morning to find everybody playing outside while Glenn cleaned his truck. As I came around the corner, Reina greeted me in all of her morning glory. My first thought was "Mercy!" but instead of yelping, I just asked "Did you get dressed all by yourself this morning? What a big girl!" She later added two hot pink sandals - on the wrong feet of course- to the ensemble and we ran a morning's worth of errands around town. Yesterday she and I went for a walk with the dogs. I wore sweatpants and a tshirt. Reina wore a swimming suit (naturally), snowboots and an American flag stuck through the top of her suit. I asked if she just wanted to carry the flag but she preferred wearing it. Everybody gets to be patriotic in their own way, I guess. While we were eating dinner last night, she said "Mom, I have to tell you a story. A long, long time ago, there was a ghel named Lucy. And Lucy liked to wear boys' shirts." She tells me this parable with a wicked gleam in her eye. That was all there was to the story, by the way. I expected slobby Lucy to be eaten by a dragon or something else cautionary, but that was it.
I love Reina's independence and zany sense of style. As long as all of the appropriate parts are covered up, we'll be good to go.
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