Saturday, May 18, 2013

"Mom, what's this song about?"

We are in the midst of a pop music immersion over here.  Thanks to his brief time on a bus everyday from school to the after school program, Will has developed a deep, deep love for all things pop music even (gasp!) girl singers.  So whenever we are in the car for any length of time, he asks for a certain station and we all bop along as we go to the grocery store, Target, whatever.  Reina already has her favorites and she knows a lot of the words.  They both have delightful singing voices and it does wonders for my mental health to hear my sweet little 6-yr old singing an earnest falsetto and telling whoever to call him maybe. 

Reina likes to ask what every single song is about and I realized that within my answers is a concise breakdown of every single pop music song on the radio today. 

1.  "A girl likes a boy but she doesn't know if he likes her."
2.  "A boy likes a girl but he doesn't know if she likes him."
3.  "A boy liked a girl but she doesn't like him anymore and he's sad."
4.  Same as above just switch genders.
5.  "A boy really likes a girl and she likes him and he's very happy about it."
6.  See number 4.
7.  "A girl is mad at a boy."
7.  "It's just a song about going to a party." 
8.  "I don't know" (and I really don't)
9.  "I don't know" (and I really do but it's too mature of a theme and I don't want to talk about it and why am I letting you listen to this song anyway?  Let's see if the baseball game is on yet.) 

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