Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Day 143

The kids and I masked up and headed out to do some back-to-school shopping.  We've done most of it online but a few things (shoes, football cleats, Freddie's lunch) we had to get in person.  After a delay of about an hour while I ransacked the house to find my wallet (in true Lucy fashion, it was in Glenn's backseat and I had to drive to his office to find it), we shopped.  We were successful in getting shoes for both kids and a few more clothes for Will.  We finished up ordering shoes and cleats online tonight and fingers crossed, I think we are all set.  

School is supposed to start on the 24th but we received a survey today to get feedback on whether or not the first day of school should be pushed back, to give everyone more time to prepare.  I voted to give everyone a few more days to get ready.  I've been listening to the school board meetings online for the first time in my parenting life and there aren't any easy solutions.  There are also some micro-managers in the mix but that's a conversation for another day.  Right now the plan appears to be in-person school with social distancing and mask wearing.  Will won't have a locker at junior high - which is not a big deal because last year he used his locker maybe 4 times.  Hot lunch at Reina's school will look a lot different but that will just mean more cold lunches from home. 

I bought Will football cleats and assorted equipment in the hopes that by doing that, we don't jinx the season.  I have mixed feelings about him playing but I'm also wanting to feel like things are normal so it's a weird place to be.  Football is not an easy social-distancing sport but it is outside.  Baseball has been fun for all of us and it's giving him a team to interact with.  The school district is planning on fall sports moving forward but there are a lot of unknowns - what happens if someone on the team tests positive?  The first practice is scheduled for August 17.  We will wait and see.  

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