Thursday, August 26, 2010

Three year olds?!?

I'm away from home this morning for a quick work trip. It's been a while since I had to travel for work and for the first time in a long time, I actually enjoyed my evening away from the house. I missed the kids and Glenn but I liked having the remote to myself and sleeping in an air-conditioned room .... all by myself. I'm headed back home later today. This morning I sent Glenn an email to see how everything was going. I thought his reply needed to be immortalized on the blog so here you go:


Every thing went smoothly for most of the morning. Both the kids got up early which made things easier. Just as I was about to take everyone to school, I remembered I had not watered last night.

When I was in the back yard watering, Will started playing with the toy stroller and had a fit when I took it away from him. He cried the whole way to way to school (he was complaining about going to school earlier). The teacher was comforting him when I left.

This is the same kid who said he did not want to leave school yesterday and ran away and hid. Three year olds?!?


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