Monday, April 29, 2013

I demand a recount

Reina came home last week with a "1, 2, 3 Pink Elephant" award from school.  In her words, Pink Elephant is a game where "the teacher says 1, 2, 3 Pink Elephant and then everybody has to be quiet and whoever stays quiet the longest wins a prize." So let me reiterate.  Reina won a round of Pink Elephant.  I find this news to be shocking.  I'm thinking that particular round of Pink Elephant lasted about 5.5 seconds because that's about how long she can go at home without speaking.  Heck, she spent about 15 minutes telling me about winning the award for not talking.  Ironic that on this very blog, I devoted at least a couple of posts to my worries about her NOT talking at fifteen months.  Now most of our conversations start with something along the lines of, "Mom, I need to talk to you about something.  I know that unicorns aren't real." A half hour later, we've covered unicorns, other things that aren't real like dragons and bad guys, a story about a kitten I had when I was a little 'ghel,' and a list of people who wronged her at preschool.  It's never dull. 

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