Sunday, November 29, 2020

Thanksgiving Weekend

A five-day weekend is unfortunately coming to an end tonight and it's back to the Monday routine tomorrow.  We had a nice break.  The kids were off school on Wednesday and I took the day off to bake some pies and make cranberry sauce.  We had a different Thanksgiving this year.  To be careful of germ-spreading, we opted to all eat at our own homes but we still shared a Thanksgiving meal with Vicky's family and some friends.  We provided the cranberry sauce, green bean casserole and pumpkin pie and received a delivery of turkey, mashed potatoes and gravy and pumpkin cheesecake in return. I dusted off the fancy china and moved my office off of the dining room table and the four of us had a nice meal.  On Friday, I masked up and did a little bit of Black Friday shopping.  Saturday, we masked up again to visit our favorite small businesses downtown but the rest of the weekend was a combination of football, crafts and long dog walks.  Not a bad way to spend a few days.  

We are all still healthy.  Kids are still in their classrooms.  I've lost track of case numbers in Wyoming but they continue to be alarming.  HOPEFULLY people have heeded the warnings and we won't see a spike from Thanksgiving but who knows.  Man I'm tired of writing about it but it fills up space in my head and in our conversations so it shows up here too.  

Glenn was hunting today so the kids and I hung up the Christmas lights outside.  That's usually Glenn's job but so many of our neighbors have hung up their lights early this year, I though it would be a good way to get us in the spirit too. I had two willing helpers who eagerly climbed up on the roof and we got it done.  We'll get the tree later in the week. I had big plans to deep clean the house before we decorated for Christmas but those plans are changing to a 'deep clean after Christmas....' but we'll see how the week goes. 

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