Thursday, November 12, 2020

Our 15th Anniversary


I interrupt this quarantine diary to write a quick bit about our 15th Anniversary.  FIFTEEN!  Our marriage can get a learner's permit.  We celebrated like we usually do, ordered takeout and made vague plans to buy a new compost bin.  I was on board with this plan until I learned that the 15th anniversary's gift is alexandrite and now I might need to rethink that compost bin.  

I posted this picture on Facebook today with a comment about how Glenn asked if I wanted to split a fun size candy bar leftover from Halloween yesterday and despite that ridiculous request (just eat the dang candy bar Glenn!) I'd marry him all over again.  In some ways, the last fifteen years feel like they've flown by.  Other times, I forgot that I didn't know Glenn in high school because it feels like it's been that long.  Do I write that every year?  Well it's still true.  Happy Anniversary honey!

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