Saturday, March 30, 2019

The Kitchen

 Last month, we embarked on a kitchen re-do.  It wasn't a total remodel because we kept the cabinets and appliances but we picked out a new floor, counter and backsplash.  At the last minute, we decided to have our contractor build a kitchen island, which is probably now my favorite part of the whole project.  We had a tough few weeks with no sink, dishwasher or oven but with many sub sandwiches and takeout salads from the grocery store, we made it through! 

The before picture, except we had already painted the walls and had a new microwave installed.  
The fridge was plugged in next to the front door which was nice to be able to access food but weird when answering the door for UPS packages.  Glenn cheerfully suggested we leave it there because it opened up a lot of extra room in the kitchen and made it easy for entertaining.  "Hi come in, can we get you something to drink right away?"  I'm pleased to report that it's now back in it's original spot.  

Coco was not delighted in the remodel.  She was not a fan of workman coming in and out but she has enjoyed exploring the new developments.  

The contractor tells all of us to stay off of the floor for 48 hours.  Coco says "LOL." 
New floor, new backsplash installed and last minute work on the island.  Glenn and I painted it ourselves on a worknight and everyone lived to tell the tale.  
The final project in not-so-great lighting.  We love how it turned out!

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