Thursday, March 14, 2019

Snow Day #2

For the first time in decades, we had another snow day!  The sun came out but we have at least 14 inches of snow on the ground and the wind is still blowing so everything is shut down.  Here's a lazy blogger's recap of the day. 

Will needed a pie for school today because it's PI day (3.14) and he doesn't like regular pie so I found a recipe for a chocolate chip pie.  It looks less than edible but hopefully it tastes good! 

Trigger is feeling much better and he takes a lovely selfie.

We were all out shoveling and didn't want Coco to miss out on the fun.  She stood on the porch for about 15 seconds before she wanted to go back inside. 

I call this The Reluctant Shoveler.

Less shoveling and more climbing on the giant snow pile.

He asked me to take this picture.  Reina was outside too, but she managed to avoid the camera. 

Glenn wearing a neck warmer on his head instead of a stocking cap because why not.  While I was on a work call inside, one of our neighbors offered Glenn their snowblower and Glenn TURNED HIM DOWN.  When I came outside, I had no qualms in asking to borrow it back.  Glenn wants me to memorialize that he was trying to build character for our kids.  I was hoping to not spend all day shoveling the driveway.  Plus, I'd never used a snowblower before and it was quite fun! 

The view to the chicken coop.  Our girls are warm and dry inside the hen house. 

Inside the coop it looks very disaster-movie-ish.

Glenn shoveled everything out because he is a good chicken Dad. 

The front walk after reluctant shoveling, the neighbor's snowblower, Glenn's brawn and a little bit of sunshine. 
Back to work tomorrow, which most of us are happy about. 

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