Sunday, May 20, 2018

Our weekend in a nutshell

What a whirlwind of a weekend!  Reina had three (3!) dance recitals, we had a bunch of rain that put a damper (ha!) on gardening and baseball activities, some of us watched the Royal Wedding so some of us also napped and then we had the last day of Sunday School, a classmate's birthday party and so many chores.  So let's recap quickly.  

It's a TRADITION for Vicky and I to watch royal weddings together so I hauled myself out of bed at 4:45 a.m., popped from frozen scones in the oven and waited for the guests to arrive.  It was strictly a pajama affair, although we had big dreams of making our own fascinators.  I did wake Reina up right before the ceremony started so that she could see the dress.  She was glad I did even though she asleep within the hour again.  Dancers need their rest!  

Coco was incredibly unimpressed with the getting up out of bed early and preschool guests arriving in the pre-dawn hours.  That's right, Preschool Cousin joined in on the wedding adventure too!  
 Reina and I got a few more hours of sleep and then launched into the second day of dance extravaganzas.  Reina took Ballet 3 and Jazz 1 this year.  Ballet 3 performed in a Friday and Saturday night performance and Jazz was during Saturday afternoon.  It was a lot of dancing but a lot of fun too.  I think my bun talents improved with each show. 

Reina and her Jazz 1 class. They danced to a song from Mary Poppins - they were chimney sweeps!  

Look at that ballerina!  Her ballet class danced to the theme from "Up."  Yep, I got a little teary-eyed.  It's a pretty piece of music and the dancers were balloons floating through the air.  It was really well done.  

I could watch her dance all day.  
 Today the sun came out during the afternoon and while the temperature wasn't warm enough to garden, we did get to spend some time outside.  Our lilacs in the backyard have gone crazy this year. 
Purple!  Green!  Allergies! 

Gratuitous shot of chicken girls.  
We only have a few more weeks of school to muddle through and then it's officially summer time. We are ready! 

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