Monday, September 28, 2015

All about Coco, plus some really bad pictures of the blood moon

It was pointed out to me by a faithful blog reader that I've been light on the Coco coverage lately.  Well, consider that corrected right now.  As I type this, Coco is curled up on my ummm upper chest, purring like a motorboat.  It's not super easy to type like this but who am I to move the kitten?   Coco continues to grow and thrive.  She's healthy and has more energy than any other members of this household combined.  Except maybe Trigger.  She races up and down the stairs chasing dogs or being chased.  She sweetly nestles her head into your palm, purring like crazy and then bites into that soft chewy part of your hand and grabs on with both front paws.  She meows plaintively for breakfast/lunch/dinner and then bites your feet until your open up the fridge for the wet cat food.  At night, you'll find her curled up on the end of a kid's bed and unwilling to be moved to the designated cat bedtime spot (not a kid's bed).  Coco is a force of nature but she's brought a lot of fun and smiles to our household.  
Coco's favorite sitting spot.  Here she's watching Glenn bringing groceries in and doesn't budge from that spot right smack dab in the middle of the door.  She's also starting to make a dash for the front yard if you aren't quick enough.  
We let Coco explore the front yard with a leash and a kid on the other end.  She loves watching the birds and hunting bugs and chewing on grass.
A girl and her photogenic cat.  

I love how both of them are looking at the camera.  

Being outside is so exhausting.  Coco is not interested in being leash-trained.  

Meanwhile, back inside someone is watching our every move.  
 The blood moon had the audacity to take place at the same time as the Broncos game so once or twice I yelled at everyone to run outside and see the moon.  The eclipse helpfully occurred at halftime so I was able to take a few pictures.  None of them are very good but they are pictures.
The moon looks really, really far away.  

Who needs one blood moon when you can have like six or seven?  The camera wasn't kidding about that 'tripod recommended' setting.  

Could be an eclipse, could be just a completely dark picture.  You decide!  

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