Thursday, February 10, 2011

A letter to the birthday girl

Dear Reina: Today, you are two. Well, you tell anyone who asks that you are "fweeee" (3) but you really are only two. You are changing every day and it's a joy to watch you learn new things and figure stuff out. You are just as busy as your brother was at this age. You bounce back and forth between playing with your babies to furiously coloring in a book or any piece of paper you can find. You love helping me with the laundry, and as soon as you can carry the basket down the stairs, the job is all yours kiddo! You can empty my purse in 30 seconds flat and we've had to put a rubber band on the pantry door to keep you from helping yourself to snacks. Reina, you've changed a lot over the last year. You started off as a mute, non-mobile little sidekick that I carried around and now you make your concerns known LOUDLY and you run from room to room giggling. You love to play hide-and-seek in daddy's closet and you shriek your disapproval when Will takes something from you, which he does a lot. Speaking of Will, you call him "Bobo" and you greet him with a hug when we pick him up from his class. You two are starting to play together more, which also means that you find a lot more to fight about. I've entered that lovely stage of parenting where I find myself saying several times a day, "If you two can't play with that toy together, then I'm taking it away!" Even though you shriek and holler at each other, you also snuggle up on the couch on Saturday mornings and watch as many cartoons as you can get away with.

Reina, your dad and I think that you are pretty smart. You count to 12 and beyond regularly and you know all your animals and most of the Toy Story characters. You love to sing and you request the "beast" ("Be Our Guest" from Beauty and the Beast) song every time we get in the car. You have a very caring side to your personality, you are always giving your baby more juice or wrapping something else up in a blanket. You love pretending to give us medicine or a shot from your doctor's kit and you cackle when we pretend that it hurts. You can be fiercely independent one minute and clamoring for 'up-y!' the next. You are sooooo a 2-yr old with your demands and throw-yourself-on-the-floor tantrums, but we have a lot of fun anyway. Happy birthday Reina-girl, we love you so much!

Reina enjoying her birthday presents. Trying not to be too gender specific (and failing miserably!), we bought you a set of play dishes and food. You had fun on your birthday morning whipping up some breakfast for all of us. You look very regal wrapped up in your new 'Disney princess' blanket. You haven't discovered many of the characters yet, but you love Belle from Beauty in the Beast. After nap on your birthday, Will helped you play with all of the new toys. He's very helpful, that brother of yours. He even offered to take some of the toys into his room ...
Daddy brought you a bunch of balloons home after work. We thought you might share one with Will but not yet. We had to pry the balloons out of your sweaty little hand to get you in bed.
It's a birthday cake for Reina that doesn't look like a total disaster! That's three foals with two birthday candles and a bunch of green stuff that's supposed to be grass or rosettes or whatever it is you can make with green frosting. The cake looked a lot nicer in your mom's head.
This last picture needs a caption. You sang along gustily to "happy birthday" while we sang it to you. I think you were so excited to hear a song that you know the words to! You have the sweetest little voice and I'm excited to hear you sing that song to yourself many more times in the future.

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