Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Catching up

I have a few minutes to myself. Both kids and Glenn are asleep and it's too late in the evening to get any other projects started. I have a lot of little anecdotes to jot down before they leave my brain. Our weather is still frigid but both kids are healthy. Reina turns 2, TWO, in a few days. How can that be possible? (Actually, she keeps telling everybody that she's going to be three on her birthday, she's insistent!) I'll have a big weepy letter for her actual birthday, but this girl just continues to grow before our very eyes. She's smart (counts to 12 by herself!) and opinionated and crawls into bed with us at 5:45 a.m. on a Saturday and announces that she wants to watch cah-toons. Reina loves her brother and calls him Bobo. When she wakes us up for her early morning entertainment, she then goes marching into his room and says "Hi Bobo! Watch cah-toons!" She's so obviously almost two because the tantrums are increasing in frequency and duration but let's save that for the birthday letter.

Bobo's got a lot going on, too. He's still taking swim lessons with his Aunt Vicky and spends a half hour splashing around the pool shrieking. We haven't had anymore rash disasters and he's making it through the cold and flu season relatively untouched. He talks and talks and talks and talks and covers a wide variety of subjects. We had a ten minute conversation tonight on the way to swim lessons about male anatomy and how girls don't have certain male parts although he remains convinced that some girls do have said male parts and I was too tired to argue. He also explained to me the history of the dinosaurs (they lived a long long time ago and then the DIED (emphasis - his), and then they turned into bones and now the bones are in a museum. And we can see the bones and T-Rex has really sharp teeth and it would make you bleed.) Right now, he's very interested in bleeding and death and destruction. I'm assured that this is typical boy behavior and not some horrible foreboding of future interests, but it freaks me out a little bit. He's still obsessed with his Lego's and if there's a future profession that involves some paleontology, volunteer firefighting duties and structural engineering, Will's going to find it. Oh, and if he could blow things up at the end, that would be great.

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