Thursday, February 24, 2011

2-year stuff

Reina had her 2-year check-up on Thursday. She's healthy and intelligent and uber cute, well according to us anyway. According to the doctor, she's in the 50th percentile for height and the 30% for weight. I'm starting to wonder if she was switched at birth because I don't think I've ever been in the 30 percentile for anything. At the check-up, the doctor asked a lot of questions about Reina's behavior and communication ability. I think this is the time when they look for signs of autism. When the doctor asked if we think Reina's demonstrates empathy, I had to giggle. Whenever she sees a baby human or a baby animal in person, on tv or in a book, she worries about where the baby's mommy is and if it needs a chupee. Books like "Is your Mama a Llama?" keep her enthralled by finding the mommy on each page. So yes, she demonstrates empathy, is able to communicate in 2-word sentences (where's baby's mommy?) and definitely feeds herself. I know, I know. I used this picture earlier in the week, but it's quite fitting here, don't you think?
The doctor was asking us about Reina's physical abilities and when the "can she jump?" question came up, I looked across the room to see Reina jumping up and down. Not only can she jump, but she's psychic! (Side note: Reina loves jumping. She also loves saying "I jump" as she jumps. It's just about the cutest thing you've ever seen. Unless you are in a hurry to get her dressed and she won't stop jumping. Furthermore, unfortunately her vertical leap is about 1/8 of an inch. I'm afraid she inherited that from me.)

Will and Reina have been getting along splendidly lately. I've been a parent long enough now to know that most (good and bad) things behavior-wise don't always end up lasting very long so I'm trying to enjoy this time of peace while I can. Will's at the age where his imagination is really taking off and he'll often assign a role to Reina in whatever world he's in at the time. Last night he was Ironman, I was Batman and Reina was Spiderman as we chased him around the living room. They will also play side-by-side while but it's often Will building legos and Reina coloring on the floor (literally, not coloring on a coloring book on the floor but coloring on the floor). Last night, they were busy with different activities and then Will asked, "Reina, wanna wrestle?" To my surprise, she did! For a few minutes away... No children were harmed in the taking of this photograph:
Or this one either, although a few crayons were lost in the battle.

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