Saturday, August 1, 2009

Who stole my infant.....?

and replaced with her with this little chunky-monkey, opinionated, semi-mobile baby girl? Reina's almost six months old and she continues to change on a daily basis. Her latest escapades include rolling from her back on to her tummy in an effort to grab something (that probably belongs to her brother), trying cereal for the first time (see picture further below), and breaking in two teeth! I'm pretty sure Reina's plans for next week include getting her learner's permit, ears pierced and becoming a vegetarian. I've been thinking that Reina and Will look a lot alike - they have the same smile and very similar expressions when they are extremely mad. I pulled out a few pictures from Will's six-month photo shoot for comparison. Turns out they don't look that much alike. Will was definitely rounder - his head is almost perfectly shaped - it looks like a hairy canteloupe with an immaculate complexion. I think they may have the same hair though. Poor things. Look at those forearms! I'm pretty sure if there had been a baby arm wrestling circuit, we'd have a world champ on our hands. Can you believe that this is the same face that now tells me to get out of his room? And then points at the door in case I'm not sure which exit he wants me to use? Awww, the good ol' days.

This is the only type of picture that I can get of Mr. Melonhead these days.
Okay, back to my girl and her first foray into the world of solid foods. Not so impressed frankly. With as much interest as she's had for everything on my plate and in my hands, she wasn't that fond of the cereal. She did perfect the art of 'letting it dribble out of my mouth and all down the front of my bib' very quickly. "Seriously people, are you feeding me gruel?"
Reina looks solemn in a lot of these pictures which is ironic because she's a pretty smiley girl. We pulled out the exer-saucer out of storage last weekend and let her give it a try. A few minutes after I took this picture, I took her upstairs for a nap. While I was up there I heard a really loud crashing/bouncing plastic sound and peeked down the stairs. Turns out Will decided to give the exer-saucer another try. Who knew that the plastic could withstand 34 pounds of bouncing toddler!

Stop bothering me mom! I'm lying here looking beautiful ...and plotting my escape!

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