Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Diapers and a list of things we never thought we'd say as parents

Glenn did it again. No, he remembered a diaper this time but he found a creative way for Will to wear it. Sideways. As in, the waistband between Will's legs and a big puffy Pull-up sticking up through the top of Will's pants. If it hadn't been so obscene, I would have taken a picture. As it turned out, the waistbands of pull-ups aren't super absorbent so the little fashion experiment didn't last long.

Speaking of diapers, Will's probably about 75% potty trained (Glenn says 60). He's wearing pull-ups during the day and usually tells us when he has to go. Okay, no more paragraphs about underwear or peeing today. I promise.

Reina's still cute. She coos and talks way more than Will did. I swear she said "hi" the other day. I've heard that sometimes the second child won't talk as quickly because the older sibling talks for them. I think Reina's going to start talking next month just to get a word in edgewise.

We tried to have a little photo shoot on Sunday after church, with mixed results. Will won't sit still long enough for me to get a good photo of him, but he actually cooperated this time.

Reina's level of cooperation was a little less than desirable. That will definitely show up on her performance appraisal this month. We need more teamwork from you kiddo!

Without jinxing myself, I should point out that Reina's a great little sleeper. She's officially sleeping through the night since the experts consider "the night" to be 5 hours. Reina hasn't been waking up until 3 or 4 every morning so I get a nice stretch of sleep in there.

Finally, here's a shot of sibling togetherness. Will is very interested in all things Reina or Wey-na as he calls her. He loves to be right where she is. Which brings me to my last thought.

Glenn and I have been composing a list of things we never thought we'd say as parents. So far they have all been directed at Will.

1. Stop hitting me with the toilet brush. (yeah, why am I letting him even play with the toilet brush much less use it as a weapon?!!)

2. Stop sticking the corn cob in Daddy's ear.

3. Quit standing on your sister!

I'm sure this list will grow and grow . . .

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