Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Back to Reality

We're back to the real world this week as my maternity leave is officially finished. Luckily, I'm only working part-time right now so Reina and Will go to daycare/preschool in the morning and then we hang out in the afternoon. It hasn't been too bad so far and I've enjoyed seeing my office friends again and having a reason to shower in the morning.

Why am I posting such an unflattering picture of myself? To illustrate how much Reina and her brother are alike. 90% of the time, Reina really enjoys being carried around in the baby sling/front-wrap thing. I can clean and cook and get stuff done around the house with her strapped to my torso like we are tandem sky-divers. She'll coo and spit up and sometimes even fall asleep. But she eventually reaches her limit, as illustrated above. The problem is that you only get about a 5 second warning before she blows. Will has the same hair-trigger temper. I'd love to blame it on Glenn's genetics but anyone who has watched a sporting event with any member of the Hansen/Dunlap side knows who to blame . . .

Not much else going on - Will wildly alternates between being very delightful, entertaining and affectionate to being obstinate, surly and angst-ridden. I feel like we are getting a preview of the teenage years. Fun stuff. This weekend we are going to attempt potty training. He's been really interested in using the toilet for #2 and he's been doing that daily for several weeks. (Man, isn't he going to love reading this blog as a 17-year old?!) Now we just have to get him thinking about the other thing. It might be a little early so if we aren't successful this weekend, we'll just back off and try again later in the summer. In the meantime, I'm stocking up on a big bag of M&M's, lots of cleaning products and a truckload of patience. Wish us luck!

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