Thursday, May 14, 2009


What a week! Reina turned 3 months on Sunday and she continues to be adorable, mellow (unless she's hungry), and super snuggly. She smiles a lot now and even giggled a little bit this week. She's adjusting pretty well to the new schedule, daycare in the morning and then errands and stuff with mom in the afternoon. Most importantly, her mom is adjusting pretty well too.

Most of this week's news involves Will. He had his 2-year check-up on Wednesday (a little bit late) and he's still 95% in weight (34 pounds) and 90% in height (37 inches or 3 feet 1 inches for you literal people). I'm getting ready to send out letters to the football powerhouses to let them know that we'll consider all scholarship offers but Wyoming will be his first choice. (Sorry Bruce.)
Approximately 45 minutes after getting home from his check-up, Will hit another milestone, literally - his first wound that required professional attention. He fell out of the toybox (why was he getting in the toybox?) and bit through his lip/cheek as he hit the floor. That was fun. Nothing moves you to the front of the line at HealthReach like a bleeding toddler.

Well, Reina's squealing so my blogtime has come to a quick end. Here's hoping you have a milestone-free weekend.

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