Monday, February 10, 2020

A Letter to the Birthday Girl

Dear Reina:  Today you are eleven.  11!  I asked if we could start counting backwards again so that you could be 9 again but you vetoed that plan.  So eleven it is.  You had some friends over for a little party on Saturday night and the girls stayed for a sleepover.  You and I are both still feeling the effects of the late night but you had a blast.  This morning, you unwrapped a bunch of art supplies, another LOL doll and Dad surprised you with horseback riding lessons this summer.  I brought Arby's to school for lunch today and then came back a few hours later with cupcakes for your class.  What a day full of celebrations!
Dad drew a picture of your horseback riding lessons.  I hope you'll wear pants for your actual lesson.  

Dance rehearsal for your hip hop class.  
Reina, you are growing up before our eyes.  You are a busy kid - you have three dance classes a week plus piano lessons and you are mostly enthusiastic about all of it.  At school, you have some good friends and you keep me updated on all of the classroom details that I never heard from your brother.  You are a hard worker and art is probably your favorite class.  Your drawings are a delight and my office is littered with your latest contributions.  You love your pets and you are happiest when one of the cats curls up on your bed for the night.  You finished up the Harry Potter series this year but you are still collecting all things HP.  Your current books range from old Nancy Drew series to other mysteries and what I can only describe as 'young gothic' (ghost stories except maybe it's not a ghost in an old house but wait maybe it is!)  You watch the discovery channel with Dad and chick flicks with me and 90's comedies with the whole family. 

Mom and daughter ridiculous selfies
Reina, you and your brother can argue about the most ridiculous topics but if I don't make a big deal out of it, I can hear you two laughing about something or briefly playing basketball together.  He has a bunch of advice he wants you to take and you definitely don't want to do that but don't rule out that he might have something valuable for you to learn every once in a while.  Maybe he'll learn from you that girls aren't an alien species.

Happy birthday sweet girl.  You are a whirling, twirling ball of energy and I can't wait to see what the next year brings.

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