Monday, July 11, 2011

The Fourth

Our summer weekends lately have been a weird combination of loafing followed by extreme, frantic busy-ness. The Fourth of July holiday weekend was no exception. Here's a quick run-down:

Saturday: Glenn helped a friend build a polebarn. Kids and I stayed home and did chores, went to Target where Will and I had our 900th conversation about how we can look at the toy aisle but we are not buying anything, had a bbq at friend's house where Will and Reina discovered the joy that is all things trampoline.

Sunday: Went to church, brought out the kiddie pool which both kids loved and Trigger ADORED (see below), complained about the heat, Glenn went fishing, I took kids to see Cars 2, Reina lost her movie privileges for the next few months because of her behavior at Cars 2 (imagine taking a bobcat kitten to the movie theater. It looks cute and it might sit quietly on your lap for a few minutes and then in a split second, turns into a hissing, growling fury, has to go to the bathroom four times and then bites you once so hard that it almost breaks the skin. Okay, that metaphor is weird because who would take a bobcat kitten anywhere but what I'm trying to convey is that she looks all sweet and angelic and blonde but underneath all of that is a 2-yr old. A 2-yr old who has recently realized that she has STRONG opinions about every single thing that we do, say, or attempt to do or say.)

The Fourth was a nice day. We worked in the yard before the temperature got too hot (remember when I was complaining about the weather a few months ago? Go back in time and slap me), took naps in the afternoon, and then had some friends and family over for a bbq. Uncle-to-be Matt can grill anything and make it taste fabulous so we had some good food and the kids had a great time playing in the sprinkler and the pool. We bought a few fireworks and shot them off in the front yard.

I learned something very interesting about Glenn. He likes to blow up food. After we lit most of the sparkly stuff, we had a lot of extra good ol' fashioned firecrackers leftover. Glenn raced into the house and came back with Reina's half-eaten bowl of applesauce, jammed a few fireworks into the top, laid it on the ground, lit it and jumped back. Instead of exploding in a fireball of pureed apple, the little bowl just flipped over on it's side. It was all very anti-climactic. I couldn't get a picture because I was laughing too hard and then I had to comfort a wailing Reina who was suddenly very possessive of her (explosive-laden) applesauce.

Summer is going by so very fast.

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