Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Olympic Events

The Olympics are alive and well at the Pauley household. We don't go for the traditional events however. No figure skating, alpine or cross-country skiing here. We feature more obscure winter sports. First up, we have the steal-your-brother's-fireman-and-play-with-it-as-long-as-you-can-before-he-notices event. Reina medals in this event every time. Next up is the nude interpretative dance. This was the short program because it was a cold night and Will had just escaped from the bath. He gets high marks for the creative portion of his routine and notice the clever use of balloon props.
Yes, it's winter but we have several aquatic events. Here Reina participates in the synchronized swimming with foam educational toys on your head. So graceful and regal.
Finally, we have the cupcake eating championships. I am proud to say that this is a skill that I have passed down to the next generation. Pay close attention to Reina's concentration - there's hardly a speck of cream cheese frosting left!
Okay, so Buzz Lightyear is not an Olympic event but I had to include this picture because Will took it. He says that Buzz is his best friend.
Will was watching the pairs figure skating with me on Sunday night and since then, he's been leaping around the den and perfecting his twirls. Maybe Will and Reina will be the next gold medal winning brother/sister figure skating team? A mom can dream.
Reina continues to say Daddy a lot and she's also possibly saying "hi." We're not sure. She waves bye-bye a lot and she still loves music. She received a lot of musical toys for her birthday and one afternoon I watched her play a little keyboard while simultaneously banging on her xylophone. I think we might need to buy this kid a piano.

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