Friday, April 25, 2008

Walking Tall

Isn't that the title to a movie starring The Rock? I'll have to ask one of my friends who is a "The Rock" expert.

Anyway, this week has been all about walking. Will took a few steps at a time last week but this week, it's been all about long walks across the living room and forays into "authorized personnel only" areas at the dr's office (check-up for his ear tubes - everything's fine by the way). It's like his brain has figured out that walking is a quick way to get from point A to point B. We've been amazed at how much he's figured out in a week. Here are some quick pics:

We've also embarked on Operation Lion Tamer this week. The goal of Operation Lion Tamer is to get Will to sleep in his own bed all night. It hasn't been easy and this kid has an incredibly strong will. (Perhaps we should have named him Complacent?) However, after a few nights of better sleep for mom, dad and baby, we are cautiously optimistic that things are on an upward trend.

I was cleaning out my computer and found this. It's already hard to believe that my big bruiser of a toddler was ever this size:

1 comment:

Val said...

It is Walking Tall. It is one of his many post wrestling masterpieces. I can't wait to teach Adriana all about him.


Val, The Rock Expert