Friday, June 4, 2021

8th Grade Promotion

Yesterday was the last day of school (more pictures of that later!) which almost meant the last day of junior high/middle school for Will and the last day of elementary school for Reina.  Yikes!  More lamenting from me later but here are a bunch of pictures of Will dressed up for the 8th grade promotion. 

Handsome boy.  I ironed three different shirts yesterday afternoon until he landed on a combination that worked.  

Will rode to the dance in a giant limo with 13 other 8th grade boys.  I don't think we paid the limo driver enough to put up with this crew.  

Most of the parents met beforehand so that we could take some pictures of their big night.  They cooperated about as well as you can imagine. 

Let's climb the windmill!  No 8th graders were harmed in the taking of this photo.  Will is on the ground to the left. 

Will and Payson have been friends since kindergarten and it's fun to see them head off to high school together.  


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