Friday, March 19, 2021

A Letter to the Birthday Boy

 Dear Will:  Today you are fourteen. 14!  Where has the time gone?  I know, I know. I start every birthday letter with those words - I just change the year.  But seriously, how can I have a fourteen year old?  One more year until you can get a learner's permit?  Eeek!  

A few days ago, you asked me if you could stay home from school today to watch March Madness at celebrate your birthday.  You were still home on a snow day at the time, so I said I'd think about it.  Then school was canceled the next day, then the next and then today school was canceled too.  So you got your wish!  

I'm more cognizant of your privacy as you get older and I hesitate to gush about  all of your weird little idiosyncrasies.  So here's what I will talk about.  Your love your pets.  You continue to come up with intricate backstories for all of them, that changes on a daily basis.  Soxy sleeps on your bed during the day and usually comes to find you at night too.  You rarely call them by their actual name and instead invent of series of nicknames, which also change daily.   

Soxy loves you more than it looks like in this picture 

You also love your sports.  I think football is your favorite but you also go all in on whatever sport season it is.  I can hear your shooting baskets in the hall upstairs even though your basketball season ended a few weeks ago.  You have baseball practice tomorrow morning and your first game is in just a few weeks.  You'll be ready!  You told me a few months ago that you thought you might like to be a coach when you grow up.  I think you'll be terrific at whatever you set your mind to but I also think you'd make a heck of a coach.  

For your birthday, you asked me to make sausage casserole for lunch, you ordered wings for dinner and requested a chocolate cake for dessert.  I make a giant-sized hostess cupcake cake which is your favorite. I pulled this cake out of the oven and showed it to you and you giggled. I inadvertently made you a boob cake for your 14th birthday.  Hmm.  
Will, you are doing really well in school.  Your dad and I are proud of your effort and your grades.  You've registered for high school classes and I'm excited to see what you will learn.  This year you've become much more interested in politics and things in the news.  We have good conversations and you do like a good debate.  You hunt with your dad and every once in a while bail your sister out in her video game.  You let your cousins talk your ear off.  We couldn't be prouder of the young man you are growing up to be.  Happy birthday Will.  

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