Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Day 128

Has it really been almost a week since I wrote about rotting potatoes?  The next day, I was convinced that I'd lost an entire rotisserie chicken somewhere in the house (it's really not that messy, I promise!).  I'd searched the car a couple of times, check random cupboards and weird places for it to be hiding, but no freshly cooked chicken was found.  On Friday, while driving to Casper for baseball, I had an epiphany that I'd actually left the chicken at the self-checkout at the grocery store. I hope somebody had a delicious lunch.  

Will played a tournament in Casper this weekend.  Reina and I and Grandma H drove up for Friday's games.  Glenn, Will and Pop-pop stayed in Casper for the duration.  Back at home, Reina had a birthday party and a sleepover so I had one of the rarest of the rare events - a night at home ALL BY MYSELF.  As usual, I had big plans but mainly cleaned some random areas in the house, watched murder mysteries, missed everyone and went to bed early.  

Is Frontier Days week without Frontier Days and it feels strange.  I"m glad we aren't dealing with massive crowds and stupid traffic for Cheyenne but it also highlights just how weird everything remains.  I'm still working from home mostly, Glenn is back at the office and we don't have any concrete plans for school.  Baseball winds up in a few weeks and then we await word on football or fall baseball.  

Tonight, Will had a doubleheader starting at 4:00.  Despite storm warnings, it only rained a few drops and was a little windy at times.  Until about 5 minutes before the end of the last game.  You could see the clouds rolling in from the north and they just looked ominous - that weird purplish gray that means something bad is probably going to happen.  We made it to the car just as the big drops started.  We had a little hail but nothing damaging on our side of town.  Other areas were reporting ping-pong sized hail and broken windows.  Oh Cheyenne.  

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