Tuesday, January 29, 2019

More basketball and more family visiting!

Last weekend, we had an amazing visit with the Dunlap aunts and Uncle Doug.  It was such a nice treat.  I had to work a little bit more than I wanted to but we still managed to do some shopping, eat some delicious food courtesy of our new Uncle and just hang out. It was almost like a little mini-vacation in January.  When we weren't shopping or eating, we also watched a certain almost 12-yr old play some basketball.  I don't know how but I managed to not take a single picture all weekend but luckily Aunt Vicky had my back.  
Post-game picture.  A little reluctant but that's basically what amounts to a smile from a pre-teen. 
Will's team is sponsored by CRMC which just happens to be where Aunt Vicky works and where she's getting her treatment.  Go CRMC!
Uncle Glenn on snuggle duty.  It''s hard for me to admit but the Baby Cousin likes Uncle "Gen" more than me!!  What?!  
cutie alert!  
On Sunday, Reina and I along with Grandma and the baby cousins went to see "The Kid Who Would Be King."  I'm always up for a King Arthur tale and this one was a lot of fun.  It was a little scary at times and I had to cover Baby Cousin's eyes.  I could tell when it was really scary because he wouldn't bat my hand away.  Preschool cousin spent most of the movie on Grandma's lap.  Reina and I have been dissecting the story all week and now I have to find her a good King Arthur book. 

Now we are back to real life.  We'll have to find something fun to do this Sunday because no one gives a fig for the Super Bowl.  Go Rams?  Will has to make a diorama about China and Reina is busy planning her upcoming birthday/slumber party.  Stay tuned......

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