Monday, July 27, 2015

Scenes from a tball game

Reina's t-ball season ended a few weeks ago.  Tball was lost a little in the shuffle of baseball, but Reina had fun playing and we enjoyed watching her run around the bases.  For her last game, the team played on an actual baseball field and she seemed to like getting to run around like a big kid.  I remembered to take the fancy camera and got some fun pictures of my almost first-grader. 

First base!

What do you mean it's not snack time yet? 

Yes, pink kitty comes to tball games too, naturally. 

"helping" sister warm up for the game. 

Tball game or fashion runway?  Tough call. 

I tried to talk her into a ponytail but what do I know. 

Reina's teammates were 5-8, with quite a few little 5 yr olds running around. 

Hey batter batter...

Look at that swing! 

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