Just a few more pictures from our camping trip last week. Glenn wore the dogs out playing catch in the water. I think they might have had the most fun of any of us on the trip. They got to go jogging, run in the water, sleep for hours, guard the campsite, bark at other dogs and lick marshmallow covered hands. Not a bad way to spend almost 48 hours. And Trigger has outgrown his nifty little habit of barfing in the kennel whenever he's in the truck so that's nice for everyone.
Will took this picture of Glenn and I on the beach. He used my phone and it came out really well! Okay, so he took about seven shots of my feet and legs, one detailed close-up of his own finger and then this one. Not bad for a budding photographer.
Along with the guard dogs, we also this soldier guarding our tent. I want to point out that he's not holding just a plain old stick there, that's a double-sided lightsaber, naturally.
This picture isn't from camping, but we signed up both kids for tball this summer. Sports Boy up there loves it - they are on the same team and Will's on the upper end of the age range. La Reina is not so impressed. Before the last practice, she came downstairs wearing this ensemble. I said "Reina, are you wearing that to tball?" Her reply? "Yep!" For posterity, that's a "my first birthday" bib around her neck and snowboots to bring it all together.
Today, I took the kids shopping because Will needs some new tennis shoes. He's been asking for weeks for a pair of shoes with that slash thing on them (Nike) or Reebok or whatever else cool 6-yr olds want. I warned him that those shoes are really expensive but if we could find a good sale, we could probably get a pair. Well, we went to three stores, looked at probably a dozen sale pairs and came home empty handed. He's pretty particular about his footwear. Either the shoes were too white, not white enough or had the audacity of including a tiny speck of pink somewhere on the shoe. He was also bothered by the color of the laces until I pointed out that laces could be changed pretty easily. So the search continues. The days of me bringing home a box of something with Star Wars/Superman/Ninjas on them and slapping the shoes on his feet are looooong gone.