Tuesday, August 28, 2012


Today was a day that I'd been thinking about all summer. I can't say that I was dreading it, but it's definitely been bittersweet.  But that's life, right?  I didn't bawl my eyes out after I dropped him off for two reasons.  One, he was very brave. He didn't get upset, he was very stoic and matter-of-fact about sitting down at his new table and getting started on work.  Two, Pop-pop showed up and helped us drop him off so I couldn't get all weepy in front of my dad.  That's only for sporting events! 

Here's the official first-day-of-school portrait on the front steps.   
Here's the big 5-yr old with little sister, who would herself go to kindergarten in a heartbeat if only it was legal for 3-yr olds to be there.  I know, great photo staging huh?  Hi kids!  Look into direct sunlight!
These two spent the summer in the same classroom at Montessori and they played together on the playground and all of Will's little boy friends are now Reina's little boy friends.  (Justified or not, I actually blame all of them for the cherry-pit-up-the-incident of last week.)  I didn't tell them to hug each other for this picture.  I said "stand next to your sister" and he grabbed her for a big hug.  So sweet.  While it lasts.  And doesn't devolve into a front steps wrestling match. 
More sibling together-ness.  When we picked Reina up from preschool tonight, Will was already in the car.  One of the first things she said was "Bobo, I missed you!" 
The last picture I took before my tears fogged up the camera.  Hey I didn't say that I didn't cry at all!  I didn't do the Titanic Sob but I did get a little teary.  Look at this big kid sitting at his table, working on a maze, with his Spiderman water bottle. I swear I'm going to blink and he'll be backing out of the driveway headed off to college.  Except don't forget that he does want me to go to college with him so that won't be so bad. 

So in summary: Will went to kindergarten today.  Reina started her first official year in the primary class at Montessori.  Glenn got us all out of the door (relatively) on time and I didn't bawl.  Mission accomplished. 

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