Monday, March 12, 2012

A month ago today

One month ago today, I took Glenn to the hospital after a bad night of what we thought was the stomach flu. In my wildest worst-case scenario imagination, I could never have imagined where we would be today. The last month has seemed like a blur and I still have a hard time wrapping my mind around all of it. The good news is that Glenn is making great progress. He's getting stronger every day and he starts physical therapy this week to help with the strength and flexibility in his arm. I've probably mentioned this in previous posts, but the doctors think he can be 80% by his birthday next month. Turkey season starts the week after that, so Glenn's counting on those words.

The day before the hospital visit, we celebrated Reina's birthday at the Old West Museum in the Kid's Room. With a horse crazy 3-yr old and cold Wyoming temperatures, where else could we go? The kids' room has fun hands-on activities and as you can tell by the smiles, everyone had a good time.

'Horseback' riding with Daddy. She asked about fifty times, "Daddy can I ride a horse when I'm bigger?" Eating an ol' timey meal of chicken nuggets, juice boxes and fruit salad in an old schoolhouse desk.

Singing "Happy Birthday" to the 3-yr old.

Cupcakes and ice cream and friends!

Speaking of cupcakes, here's this year's entry into the Baking Hall of Fame. For the Old West theme, Aunt Vicky found cute horse and cow cupcakes and I attempted to follow the directions and make them myself. You can see how that turned out. They were yummy at least.

The Kids' Room has a bunch of dress-up clothes and Will and the gang had fun acting out a variety of scenarios. Here he's wearing a bull rider's arm protector thing. I think he also had knee pads and cowboy boots on. I have no idea what he was supposed to be, but I really hope it wasn't a bull rider. Reina found great entertainment in the leadrope. She drug it around for about half of the party. Who needs fancy presents? Get that kid some rope!

Finally, the night before the day before we went to the hospital, we had a small family celebration at home, on Reina's actual birthday. We sang the song, she opened some presents and we ate more cupcakes.

Capt Jack Sparrow graced us with his presence. How fortunate for the birthday girl.

Next time, pictures of Glenn recovering. Yeah!

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