A record of all of the little details that I'll inevitably forget to put in their baby books.
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Will is starting to learn a little bit about the sport. Granted, he spends a fair amount of time sitting on the grass, gazing at the sky while I hiss from the sidelines GetuprightnowifIhavetocomeoverthere... you know, really compassionate, motivational talk. He learned how to block at last week's practice and that has seemed to increase his enthusiasm for the game. He's also perfecting his Game Face, or maybe he's just glaring at his parents on the sidelines because they won't bring him a juice box onto the field during *halftime.*On Saturday, Will scored his first touchdown. This is the only picture I snapped of the action because I was too busy jumping up and down and screaming like an over-competitive lunatic. Will's not the fastest kid on the field and his 30-yd scamper took about 2 1/2 minutes but it sure was pretty. You know how sometimes a defensive lineman will recover a fumble and rumble down the field for 80 yds to score the touchdown, and it takes forever and he needs oxygen when it's all over with? That was a little like Will's touchdown. He was actually running slow enough to swat the hands of the team away as they tried to grab his flag. I was just screaming RUN WILL RUN RUN RUN. He didn't really understand the enormity of scoring a touchdown (and I know how ridiculous I sound by typing that because there really isn't any enormity since they don't keep score and blah blah blah) but it was his first touchdown and I couldn't have been any prouder. After you score a touchdown, you have to spend a good five minutes getting all of your flags back on because they get ripped off long after you've run out of the endzone. Some kids just keep running onto the next field. I've advocated for shock collars or an electric fence because the yelling and whistling from the parents does little to keep them on their own field of play. Maybe a few intimidating-looking herding dogs would do the trick? Hey Reina has some exciting news. File this one under "reasons why she'll hate me when she's older" but she's not wearing diapers in this picture. Yeah!! We did the whole boot camp strategy for potty training and so far, not bad. She's had some accidents but she seems to be figuring it out. With as finicky as she is about her clothes, I thought she'd hate to get her pants wet but ehhh, she's pretty casual about the whole thing. She's more concerned about negotiating how many M&M's she gets following each successful trip to the bathroom. She fans both hands out and says "I want this many!" (10). I want to get her potty trained but I'm not giving her ten M&M's every half hour. So to wrap-up, each week Will seems to learn a little more and gain a little enthusiasm for football. He even set aside his Lego's and curled up next to me on the couch on Sunday while I watched NFL games - the Purple team and the Blue team (Vikings v. Lions). He seems to actually like it and while the uber-competitive side of me wants to see him on the football field in a few years, the mommy side of me is just happy that he wants to watch it with me right now and we don't have to worry about concussions, ACL's and all that scary stuff. I'll take this stage for as long as it lasts.
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Where the wild things are....
Besides the antelope, we've seen a few foxes, a lone coyote, lots of hawks and possibly eagles, jack rabbits and this cat. I've mistaken this cat for a bobcat more than once and been overly excited for 30 seconds until I pull the binoculars out and realize, "No. Not a bobcat. Just a big fat neighbor cat." Our pretty prairie view. Just another reason why we love living in Wyoming.
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
The one where Glenn teaches Will that boys don't need girls
Glenn: Sometimes boys get lonely and want somebody to be with. Sometimes when they grow up, they want to have children like you and Reina. (Translation: Go have all of the fun that you want to have and do all of the stuff that you want to do, and then find a girl who will have your babies. It worked for me.)
Me: Hmph.
(Clarification: This was an actual conversation between Will and Glenn that Glenn relayed to me after the fact. If I had been in the bathroom when said conversation took place, I would have pointed out to the 4-yr old that boys like girls because girls smell nice and it's fun to do stuff with people who like to do the same things as you. I lovingly and respectfully disagree with the notion that you can go be a mountain man and hunt and fish and do whatever you want and then come back to civilization and find a woman. Yes, it worked for Glenn but that's beside the point. He just got extremely lucky. If he ever figures out how to access this blog, he can post his own rebuttal. Until then, I will be strictly monitoring father/son communication. What's next, how to "pretend that you don't know how to turn on the washing machine so you don't ever have to do laundry?")
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Here we have a short play in two acts. The plot wasn't very nuanced but there was a lot of action. Mainly screaming (the happy kind) and chasing the dog around the back yard. For the second act, the scenery moved to the top of the picnic table and also involved a lot of happy screeching and various hand gestures. The audience had a hard time following the story line but there was a good guy, a bad guy and a giant rope tied to the deck that made the stage manager (me) a little uneasy. Notice the beseeching look, the sheer desperation to get inside the house. For another bowl of crackers. Oh, the drama! Here we have a new play, same players. This is a variation of old westerns, Woody from Toy Story and Rango (the Johnny Depp lizard cowboy movie that Will has seen three times but I've yet to really understand what's going. I should probably watch the whole thing). We have to give a big shout-out to the wardrobe department for this production. The level of detail is amazing, although the dinosaur shirt seems a little out of place.
Let's zoom in for some detail on the footwear. The wardrobe mistress (me) found these gems at the used clothing store. I (mistakenly) thought they'd be way too big for Cowboy Will but they actually fit. If his shoe size is any indication of his height, Will's going to be like 7 1/2 feet tall. The boots are actually slippers which serves us both well - he gets to clomp around the house in cowboy boots and I don't have to actually hear the clomping. Win win!
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
When I was three.....
"Can we go to the zoo the day after this day? I haven't been there since a I was free." (Point of correction, you were actually there earlier in the summer but I won't be nit-picky.)
"Mom, 'member when I had to go to the hospital when I was free?" (Yes. Yes I do remember that. And so does my wallet.)
"When are we going to go back to Florida? I haven't been there since I was free."
I find it fascinating to see how his memory works. Some things I think he won't remember but then some far away memory will bubble to the surface and he'll talk about an event that took place over a year ago. He's an interesting little guy.
When he's not thinking of halcyon days of 3, his brain is busy figuring out the world. His first words to me this morning were "Mom, do birds go to the doctor?"
Will's is not the only brain working overtime right now. I need to get a picture of it, but we are currently experiencing "Hoarders: The Toddler Edition. The Sequel." At any given moment, Reina is carrying around a purse, her "yunchbox" (a plush covered wagon that certainly does look like a lunch box), a falling-apart plastic backpack stuffed with assorted detritus, two baby dolls and a stuffed animal (a revolving selection of teddy bears, kitty cats and a bunny rabbit.) At night, she can't fall asleep until she is surrounded by her "duff." (stuff) I need to start hiding some of the duff because a few nights ago she was walking around the backyard and tumbled down the stairs, with all of her stuff. Toddler forehead meets sidewalk.
In her own words, she should 'dop it! ' (stop it)Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Kid randomness
Will: "Hey Reina, want to play that game where we fight with the pillows?"