Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Tonsils: The Sequel

We found out yesterday that Reina's tonsils need to come out. It's not earth-shattering news but given that I'm still having PTSD flashbacks from November ("Will, drink your juice! Will, mommy needs you to drink some juice and it will make you feel better. I promise! Just one little sip. C'mon Will, try some juice! Okay, let's drink some juice and take your medicine! insert sound of angry screaming 3-yr old here), it was news that I was hoping NOT to here. But, her tonsils are still ginormous, her adenoids are the size of cute little boulders and her oxygen levels dip to not-dangerous-but-not-normal-kid-levels when she's sleeping so out they come. The surgery will be scheduled for sometime in May, and we will all hopefully build up some much needed stamina (and sick leave days) by then.

In other non-medical news, Will's latest incarnation is that of a Roman knight (did the Roman's have knights?). Well, let's make that a time-traveling Roman knight who has a pearl-handed pistol tucked in his pants' pocket. The mardi gras beads are a little incongrous but I am told that those are his "armor." He also has a long sword tucked into the back of his shirt for fighting the bad guys (the Visigoths? My knowledge of military history here is a little weak). I think his scowl gives it a certain level of militaristic authenticity.

1 comment:

Beth said...

Oh you're kidding! Another tonsil issue...sorry to hear that for Reina's sake. Andrew has to have another surgery in May, this time for his teeth! They are horribly rotten. Unfortunately, this is inherited from my family, no hard enamel forms. I just feel bad for little kids that have to go through this stuff!