Sunday, April 17, 2011

Spring programs and puppy dogs

Yesterday was the annual program and fundraiser for the kids' preschool. The kids usually sing a few songs and then the parents spend a bunch of money on silent and live auction items. This year was a little different in that everything was running on time so the Pauley duo were a little late in getting to the program. They also clearly missed the memo about sweater vests and slacks. I considered it a victory that Will was wearing jeans and not jogging pants, but what can you do. They can both be a little shy and so they started off the program with a healthy dose of skepticism. Reina didn't have her chupee so one whole hand went immediately into her mouth. Will warmed up and started singing and doing all of the appropriately timed hand motions. You can't tell from this shot but he was really getting into it. The boy has some dance moves, let me tell you. On a completely unrelated note, Will has a 4-yr check-up on Thursday and I'm very interested to find out where he is in the height/weight scale these days. His class is full of 3, 4, 5 and 6 year old's so it's hard to compare him to his classmates. I just need to know if we are still thinking linebacker or tight end... or maybe I should stop pinning all my sports dreams on him and let him pursue medieval battle reenactments, or whatever he's going to be interested in. Nah. The only other picture I took of Reina is a little blurry and she maintains her hand-in-the-mouth pose. With her free hand, she did do the hand motions and shake her egg along with the rest of the group. Frankly, I was surprised that she agreed to get on stage. She's usually more inclined to hang out with mom and dad but she's growing up! Speaking of growing up, Trigger has been with us for one whole week! He's starting to settle down and figure out that the entire house is not one giant chew toy. Glenn and I have been taking turns walking him a few times a day and it really seems to take the edge off of his ummm, craziness. The kids are getting more interested in him, especially when he's sleeping. I've keeping a list of things that Will, Reina and Trigger have in common, but that's for the next post. To tide you over, here's a boy and his dog.

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