There are two sides to our Reina. One is the side that the public (and most of the extended family) sees. She's cute, quiet and calm. She sits in the stroller for an hour while you walk on the Cheyenne historic home tour. She behaves in her Montessori classroom and takes a nap without putting up a fight. She's friendly, but not obnoxious. She's calm and politely asks for more snack. She has a lovely disposition and a pleasing personality. And then there's the other Reina. The Reina who throws a (mostly) full box of cereal down the stairs and then squeals when you won't let her eat the pieces coated in dog hair. The shrieking reaches epic proportion when you won't let her help you sweep. There's the Reina who takes great pleasure in pushing her brother through the screen door. He thinks their playing a game. She thinks she's establishing her dominance. Speaking of 'brother,' I'm constantly humming the tune to "anything you can do, I can do better" when I'm with the two kiddos. Reina's thought pattern goes a little something like this: Hmmm, Will got to take his shirt off after dinner because he spilled and it was all wet. Well, my shirt is perfectly dry but someone better take this thing off because I'm sitting here yanking on it and communicating that I am not happy with the shirt situation. TAKE OFF MY SHIRT LADY! Thank you, much better. Now let's watch cartoons. Meet the Reina who throws herself to the floor, sidewalk, church aisle, grocery store floor, etc., when you dare to contradict her in anyway, shape or form. It's a good thing she's so much lighter than her brother. I just scoop her up in this position and carry her to the carseat, house, bathroom, soundproof room...Did I mention tantrums? She's mastered the art of the tantrum. If that doesn't work, she'll lash out and try to slap. If that doesn't work, she growls. It's sort of like having a friendly mongoose around the house. It's a good thing she's so darn cute.
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