Wednesday, March 17, 2010

I'm not _________!

As I've probably mentioned before, Will's favorite saying is "I'm not ______!"

Me: "Will, are you tired?"
Will: "I'm NOT tired!"

Me: "Will, are you hungry, are you ready for dinner?"
Will: "I'm NOT hungry for dinner. I want a snack."

Me: "Will, are you talking back to mommy?"
Will: "I'm NOT talking back mommy!"

Etc., etc., etc.

Well, last Saturday morning, Will was downstairs watching early morning cartoons and Glenn and I were upstairs getting Reina changed and talking about the day. As it usually is on a Saturday morning, the house was a mess and we were discussing all of the things we had to get done that day. As we walked down the stairs, Glenn (jokingly!) commented that the house was a "giant craphole." From around the corner of the stairs, Will pops his head out and exclaims, "I'm NOT a giant craphole!"

Can't wait for that phrase to debut at church.

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