Does this outfit make me look like an overstuffed munchkin?
What a great end to a lovely holiday weekend. Even though they got cold, both kids seem to like snow sports and being outdoors and that makes me really excited about the future.
A record of all of the little details that I'll inevitably forget to put in their baby books.
When he gets nervous, both of those hands end up in his mouth, which has been a trait of his from the beginning. The shirt was pulled up a few times but he did a great job. He sang and seemed to know the words to most of the songs. During "Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer" he pointed enthusiastically to the moose on his sweater so clearly we need to work on mammalian identification.
At the end of the program, Santa made an appearance. The look on Will's face was priceless - equal parts surprise, awe and stunned-ness. He stood patiently in line for his turn to get a new book from Santa and a hug. Reina didn't want a hug but she did give Santa a polite "hi."
*The negotiations go a little like this: Offer, cajole, plead, beg, remind how it makes the pain inside his head go away, offer again, cajole, plead, raise voices, threaten, threaten again and then FINALLY medicine taken. Much enthusiastic "what a good boy!, yeah Will!, you are so brave!, etc.
So after a few weeks of Full Beard, Glenn decided to scale back to the Goatee, or Goat as it's commonly referred to around here.
Glenn's interpretation on the Goatee: Has a sporty look but a level of unpredictability to it. It's tough yet approachable. I may be interested in what you have to say or I may punch you. Commonly worn by athletes and bouncers.
Lucy's interpretation: In order to adequately immortalize the Autumn of Facial Hair, we had several photo shoots in the front yard (as you can tell). In this photo, the goatee is relaxed yet serious. Or wait, maybe this one is friendly and frisky. I can't tell. The goatee is very complicated. Well, nothing lasts forever and so it goes for goatees. I woke up last Monday to this guy:
Yep, that's Glenn with a handlebar mustache. He asked me if I wanted to go ride motorcycles after work. I said no, but that I would be interested in helping him rob a stagecoach.
Glenn's interpretation of the handlebar mustache: Few things better say, "I have no idea what the opposite sex finds attractive." Wearer is extremely self-confident or dim-witted. Most commonly worn by bikers or cowboys.
Well, our journey with Facial Hair must come to an end. But not before we unveil the final stop on this wild ride. Beware, this last look is not for the faint of heart. Glenn's interpretation of the Hitler Mustache: Either a die hard Charlie Chaplin fan or deranged, with a potential cannibalistic streak. Either way it is not recommended to approach this person. Or wear this look to work.
Lucy's interpretation: Please, just shave it off as fast as you can and don't you dare leave the house looking like that.
Well, it's a few days before Thanksgiving and Glenn is back to his clean-shaven self. I'm happy to have his face back and the money we are now spending on shaving cream and the various accessories is at least not being spent on therapy for our children. Besides, there's always next hunting season. Civil war beard? Fu man chu? Neck hair? Stay tuned!