Saturday, December 18, 2010

It's starting to become obvious that I need a fancier camera because they all look like vampires.

Last night we attended Will's Christmas program. It's held at a small auditorium and all of the kids get to stand on stage and sing a few songs. The teachers do a great job because 1) it's excruciatingly cute (they sang a few verses of "Do You Hear What I Hear" and it made this mommy teary-eyed!) and 2) it's short. You might remember that last year's program featured Will and some near full-frontal nudity on stage. Well, I didn't stick to my plan of stapling his shirt to his pants but I did pay attention to his outfit and we talked about singing the songs and keeping our hands at our sides. We were mostly successful.

When he gets nervous, both of those hands end up in his mouth, which has been a trait of his from the beginning. The shirt was pulled up a few times but he did a great job. He sang and seemed to know the words to most of the songs. During "Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer" he pointed enthusiastically to the moose on his sweater so clearly we need to work on mammalian identification.

At the end of the program, Santa made an appearance. The look on Will's face was priceless - equal parts surprise, awe and stunned-ness. He stood patiently in line for his turn to get a new book from Santa and a hug. Reina didn't want a hug but she did give Santa a polite "hi."

Look at this cute face! She's getting so big. In spite of the chupee (I know, I know! We are working on her getting rid of it...) she's saying more and more each day. Just today she told Daddy that she loved him and she leafed through a toy catalog saying "I want dat! I want dat! etc." She's also started wearing underwear during the day and she's doing pretty well. She has a few accidents but she seems to be figuring it out pretty quickly. You can find her wandering around the house with a baby or two in her arms and singing the ABC song. She's very talented!

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