Saturday, November 5, 2022


I'm trying to get back into the habit of documenting some of the minutiae of our daily lives.  This year, I've touched on the highlights of kid sports and accomplishments but when I look back on old posts, I enjoy remembering some of the randomness that takes place in our household.  So that's my goal for November. More randomness.   

We finally had our first snow of the season this week.  We ended up getting between 3 and 4 inches.  Yah for moisture!  I'm saying that now .... check in again in a few months.  

The view from my office as I left work.  It was really starting to accumulate. 

Our chickens have been molting like crazy and they didn't appreciate the snow.  We have two old chickens who lay once or twice a year and three younger girls who lay regularly when they aren't molting, being broody or whatever their current problem is.  
The spectators for my morning workout.  It's slightly disconcerting.  Do they think it's a drive through window?  

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