Sunday, August 22, 2021

One Day More

A few years ago, a friend from high school posted that she always sang "One Day More" from Les Miserables on the last day before school started and since I read that, I've always giggled and of course I've had that song in my head all day. (I might even be trying to rewrite some of the lyrics to fit... Tomorrow is the judgment day...... tomorrow is the first day of ninth grade and seventh grade..... one more dawn, one more day ONE DAY MOOOOOOOOOOOORE.) So yes, tomorrow is the first day of high school and the first day of junior high for Will and Reina.  The kids are ready. Glenn's ready. I'm mostly ready.  I drove by the elementary school last week on the way home from work and noticed all of the cars and people streaming in for open house night.  I was struck by the fact that none of my monsters spend their days there anymore.  The days are long but the years are short, right?  So I'm getting in a few extra hugs, going over schedules, making sure first day outfits are ready and let's do this!  I'm also making pro and con lists.  Pro's for going back to school?  The house will stay cleaner, the snacks will take slightly longer to be emptied out, and people will be tired enough at night that bedtime won't be (as much of an argument).  Con's?  The pets will miss them, I will miss seeing them at lunch or getting texts during the day about what snacks can and can't be eaten, and people will be too tired at night to behave reasonably. 

I don't need to spend another five paragraphs bemoaning time and aging and giant teenagers who empty the cupboards on a weekly basis so here's a quick note about the week before last.  Long story short, we were exposed to covid-19 and coincidentally came down with summer colds that we convinced ourselves were covid breakthroughs. I took a mail-in test but while we were waiting for results, Glenn started feeling poorly enough that we took him for a rapid test.  He tested negative, I tested negative and it was just a poorly timed summer cold.  We are back to masking in public places, doubling down on hand sanitizer and hoping that everybody stays healthy and school and school activities (FOOTBALL!!) stay on schedule.  

This time last year, I told myself that I'd take the first day of school off and spend the day looking at pictures and crying but instead, I'm hosting a workshop this week which will probably keep me to busy to cry (hopefully for the workshop participants sake anyway).  We're off to a new adventures and I can't wait to see what the school year has in store.  

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