Tuesday, November 5, 2019

WIll's Jr High Football Season

In news that is not shocking, I'm so behind on the blog again.  October flew by and my resolve to post every day in November is already four days late.  So let's get caught up where we can.  Will's first Jr High football season finished up last month on a cold afternoon in Laramie.  Seventh grade teams don't have a play-off but as luck would have it, the top two teams played each other on the last game of the season.  Will rode the bus to Laramie with his team, but Glenn and I drove over. When we left Cheyenne, the temperature was in the upper 50's.  By the time the game kicked off, the wind was howling and the temp had dropped at least 20 degrees.  Unsurprisingly, Glenn had all of the appropriate layers of clothing on his person, I patched together some blankets from the car and mismatched gloves. (Glenn would want me to point out that he urged me to wear long underwear but I scoffed.  Scoffed!) But this post is not about the weather, it's about our favorite offensive lineman - #54.  

7th grade football players don't need tights mom, get real.  

Will got some time on defense this time around too.  He's lined up to the left of the orange #25

That's our boy in the center of the huddle
Hanging out with one of his good friends

Protecting his qb 

Back on the O-line
Will had a pretty good season.  He learned a lot playing guard and tackle on offense.  He recovered a few kick-offs on special teams and he got some defensive time in too.  I don't think he anticipated being an offensive lineman but he worked hard and earned a starting position on A team that he kept all season.  Glenn and I developed an appreciation for the offensive line and it's funny but it's really changed how I watch college football and the NFL.  No one pays much attention to the o-line unless they mess up.  When a team has a great offense, the credit goes to the qb or the running back, and it's easy to forget the role that the blockers play.  Okay, that's the end of my Will's #1 fan speech.  It was a pleasure watching him play and we can't wait for the next season. 

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