Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Winter wonderland and Coco's trip to the vet

It's 8 days before Christmas and we have about 6 inches of snow on the ground.  My to-do list is filled with things like Christmas cards, cookies and last minute gifts.  It's beginning to look a lot like Dec. 25

I got my upper body workout in this morning shoveling through the drift that blankets our front walk.  Might need to rethink some of the trees we have planted that help Mother Nature deposit snow right where the UPS guy needs to walk to our front door.  Trigger wasn't very helpful.  

A cat-in-the-car selfie.  A calfie?  For the record, I obeyed all relevant traffic laws.  She and I arrived at the vet's office a bit early - it was my defensive move to avoid having to explain to Coco why she wasn't being fed first thing in the morning.  While we waited for the doors to open, we took pictures.  Some of us looked at the camera.   

Coco had a little procedure yesterday that will ensure we don't have any little Coco's running around the house, in case she gets out and gets a boyfriend.  She came through the surgery just fine, a detail that most people could probably care less about but as a bonafide catperson now, I feel obligated to record it.  I had to pick her up early because the vet's office was closing early due to the snow.  She was still a little woozy and drugged up as a result and we had a meow-filled ride home.  Right now she's getting back to normal but I'll be honest, we are all probably enjoying a night of a less-than-usually-wild Coco.  While it lasts.

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