Wednesday, March 23, 2011

A three alarm party

As I mentioned in the previous post, Will celebrated his fourth birthday last Saturday and we threw him a little party at the local firestation. There were about 18 two-, three-, four- and five-year olds running around and the good news is that we all survived and managed to have a little fun while we were there. Some very nice firefighters gave us a tour of the firehouse. One of the highlights of my morning was when we were walking through tv room, Glenn asked the fireman if they often watch "Fireman Sam." All the parents giggled. The kids were most impressed by the firetrucks and spent a lot of time scrambling all over them. Then it was cake time. Anybody remember last year's robot cake? Well this year, Aunt Vicky and I decided to attempt a fire engine cake. We found this link and thought, "how hard can it be?" You can see the answer for yourself right here:
But it was edible and some of us really enjoyed it.
Some of us demonstrated what a really healthy birthday lunch looks like (grandparents, look away).

All four of us had a great time and took long naps that afternoon. Perfect ending to a perfect day.

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