Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Cowboy Fans and Poop Stories

Will attended his first football game of the 2008 season this weekend. We all went to Laramie and watched the Cowboys dominate Ohio University - okay 'dominate' is not the right word with a final score of 21 to 20, but a win is a win! Here are a few random shots from the weekend.

Will and Glenn prior to the game. This is always the one football game of the season that I can get Glenn to go to because there were no hunting seasons open yet. Will sure looks like his dad, huh?
Will and me in the stadium. It was a hot day! Will has a habit of sticking both hands in his mouth when he gets nervous. Apparently, he was only half-nervous at this point. He was quite the trooper at the game - thanks in part to Grandma Pauley who took him on many breaks during the game. Will even learned the W-Y-O FIRST DOWN cheer - he doesn't say the words but the makes the arm movement. (Note to all the 30-yd line fans - Will has learned the regular version of this cheer - not our profane one.)

Will checking out the flowers in our front yard. I was desperate to get a picture of him in his n ew shirt and pants but whenever we bring the camera out - he makes a grab for it so I had to distract with something else. It's been a while since I included a naked baby shot. I'm not sure why he looks so forlorn, he actually loves the bath. Okay, here's where I write about things that will embarass the heck out of Will when he's older. He's started telling us "uh-oh" after he poops. Grandparents and other interested public have said that this means he's getting ready to be potty trained. I'm just not sure how we go from an "uh-oh" after the fact to getting him in the bathroom and all that action before the poop arrives? Any ideas? Finally, I've taken some flack for not having a picture of Canyon on the blog. Here she is, still alive and kicking at 13. She's still going strong and her tolerance for Will has increased a little bit, especially since he loves to feed her. Thanks to all who voted in the baby name poll. Looks like Bronco Baby #2 will be called Shazam. Or Shazam-a? Stay tuned.

1 comment:

Beth said...

Cute! My advice: let the grandparents train 'em if they think he's raady!!!